other courses
In addition to the NOPHO educational program, we offer a variety of supplementary courses designed to enhance your learning experience. For further details on these courses, please see the information provided below. We encourage you to explore these opportunities to expand your knowledge and professional development. To participate in these courses, you have be a NOPHO member
Upcoming courses
2024, Young NOPHO Educational day – Benign Hematology
Hemolytic anemia: the modern era
November 29th, Vilnius, Lithuania and hybrid
Registration form:
Registration deadline for the Educational day and dinner is October 15
2025, Ethics course: Guiding Ethics Case Reflection (ECR) rounds
Part I: 25-28 March, 2025
Part II: 24-26 September, 2025
Deadline for applications: 24 of January 2025.
The official language: English and Swedish (Literature will be in English but reflections will
be performed in English and/or Swedish)
Fee: No course fee. Meals are covered. The participants will cover their own travel expenses
and accommodation including breakfast. For participants not connected to paediatric cancer
centres, a total fee for meals will be added.
For further information regarding the course and registration: Click on this link
Contact person:
Cecilia Bartholdson
Phone: +4670 964 00 68
Email: cecilia.bartholdson@ki.se
If you have a course that you would like to convey here on the website, please contact NOPHO secretariat
Email: Emelia.Ljung@live.se