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The NOPHO courses are in general very well evaluated and of very high quality.
The ECC has a few new recommendations based on a general wish from the YOUNG NOPHO members:
- All educational material should be available on the NOPHO web minimum 4 weeks in advance of the course
- We recommend that the educational material is put on the Young NOPHO website 4 weeks prior to the courses and can be edited every time the course is repeated (every 3 year).
- It is strongly recommended that a significant proportion of the course sessions are based on clinical cases.
- The cases and specific questions (learning points) should be created by the teachers and send out to the course participants together with the rest of the educational material (on the NOPHO website) prior to the course minimum of 2 weeks in advance.
- One case should be appointed to each participant to prepare in advance of the course (more course participants can be appointed to the same case pending on the number of participants participating).
- The ECC recommends that the course participants prepare/look through all cases send forward, but they are as a minimum responsible for presenting the case they are assigned. This presentation can be done in groups.
- It is recommended that the cases are discussed both in smaller working groups and elected cases are presented in plenum throughout the courses.
- It is of great importance that every teacher facilitating each case discussion is aware of the key learning points and take home messages, which this specific case represents even if they didn’t prepare their case themselves.
- We strongly recommend that only doctors with a minimum 12 months of pediatric hematology and oncology training participate in the courses
On behalf of the ECC,
May 2015
Chair Lisa Hjalgrim, Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet